Single Will.
A legal document expressing your wishes regarding the distribution of your property and possessions, specifying executors, guardians, funeral wishes, specific gifts and residue.
Mirror Will
The same as the above but mirrors your partners wishes, ideal for married couples.
Will Plus
More complicated wills, complex wishes, multiple specific gifts, charitable bequests, provision for pets, exclusions, disinheritance etc.
Property Protection Trust Wills
Protect your share of your most important asset against future care fees, ensure your children do not get disinherited, give the right to reside to your loved ones.
Includes mirror wills with property protection/flexible life interest trusts & Land Registry SEV documents.
Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Powers of Attorney allow your attorney/s to act for you, to make decisions on your behalf, pay your bills or speak to doctors and other professionals.
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney;
Health & Welfare.
Property & Finance.
* An additional fee of c.£90 is payable to the Office of the Public Guardian to register each LPA.
Legal Document Storage
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